Friday 28 February 2020


Malaysia is a very unique place in that the different cultures, races and beliefs, makes it a cultural melting pot and a hotspot for food lovers. One of the most famous Malaysian products is the white coffee. Originating from Ipoh which is the capital city of Perak, white coffee is one of the most sought after drinks for locals as well as visitors.

Tracking Back Ipoh White Coffee

It all started in the town of Ipoh, during the British colonial era; Perak was a thriving tin-mining state. White coffee originated from a town called Ipoh Old Town where Chinese migrants who worked at the tin-mines would come and gather. These hard workers came up with the idea of making white coffee.

Most people believe that the name white coffee comes from the color of the coffee. Actually, it has nothing to do with that. The name refers to the roasting process without any additives or other ingredients, so ‘nothing added.’ The Chinese word Bái, besides ‘white’ also means ‘without,’ or ‘unadulterated.’

The roasting process for regular (black) coffee normally involves roasting the beans with sugar, margarine and wheat. The process is a bit different for white coffee, where some of the ingredients are not added together. The coffee beans are roasted with only margarine, without sugar, which gives the coffee a lighter shade.

The white coffee made in Ipoh actually stands out from regular coffee from elsewhere because of the low temperature and the slow roasting formulas that were created and perfected right there in the city of Ipoh, Perak. When you drink white coffee, you can taste the different layers of flavor in the coffee, which is thick and aromatic. Ipoh white coffee is also considered healthier (no additives), intenser in aroma and purer in taste.

As more and more types of drinks and coffees are changing all around the world, with added flavours, Ipoh’s white coffee still stands the test of time, maintaining the old tradition of serving white coffee traditionally.

Besides going all the way to Ipoh to get your white coffee, nowadays you’ll find the 3-in-1 mixtures for instant white coffee. But instead of just pouring hot water into the mixture, why not try a new recipe, a white coffee ice-blended to quench your thirst on a hot afternoon?

Ipoh Ice Blended White Coffee Recipe

Ipoh White Coffee Ice Blended
Ipoh White Coffee Ice Blended

All you need to make this delicious drink is:
1 sachet of White Coffee (get it at your local Asian store), doesn’t matter which brand)
3/4 cups of full cream milk
1 cup of ice cubes
1 tablespoon of sugar
It’s amazing how a short list of ingredients can make such a delightful drink!

How to make Ipoh White Coffee Ice Blended:
1.      Now, the steps in creating the white coffee ice-blended are very easy. First and foremost, in order to make an ice-blend, of course, you would have to prepare yourself a blender machine.

2.      Next, mix all the ingredients above and blend. Make sure you do not blend the mixture for too long or else you would only end up with an iced white coffee. Remember, we are aiming for a white coffee ice-blended. Here’s a tip on how not to blend too long. Blend the mixture until you can see the ice cubes starting to move around, then you just wait for a few seconds before you stop, and there you have your splendidly done ice-blended.

3.      Last but not least, pour the mixture into a glass, and there you have it, your very own white coffee ice-bended. You can decorate your ice-blended with whipped cream and drizzle some chocolate syrup on it. To add more flavour to your ice-blended, you can add in some hazelnut or chocolate sprinkles.

So there’s a short and simple recipe that you can try on your own and experience the taste of the white coffee. So sit back, relax and enjoy your white coffee ice-blended!

Thursday 27 February 2020

Grocery stores to check out while shopping in Germany!

Image result for top 10 supermarket in germany
Just as in the States, Germany has a number of different chain grocery stores which include regular grocery stores along with a large number of discount grocery chains. The average grocery store is much smaller than a typical grocery.
Germany has a large number of discount grocery stores. These discount chains specialize in staple items such as food, beverages, toiletry items, cleaning products, and other inexpensive household items. Their discount chains have weekly special offers for items such as electronics, appliances or computers, clothing, toys, flowers, and gifts. Specials are only available in strictly limited quantities and for a limited timeframe (one week). Most have a “strictly no-frills” approach which is evident in that they do not decorate aisles – or even fill shelves for that matter (items are left in cardboard boxes on the shelf or on a pallet). Aldi and Lidl are the two largest discount chains in Germany. 
A few stores are called “hypermarkets” which are very large grocery stores that would rival the large stores in the States. The hypermarkets not only carry a large variety of staples (as mentioned above) but also carry an assortment of households good such as towels, some clothing, small appliances, and decorative items.
Here is a list of some of the local stores:
Aldi was the first discount chain in Germany. Many of its products are own-brand labeled, with the number of outside brands being very limited. Aldi is the largest wine retailer in Germany.
The Edeka Group is the largest German supermarket corporation. Edeka runs approximately 4,100 stores that range from small corner stores to large hypermarkets. Edeka Nah und gut (“close and good”) is the smallest store. Edeka Aktiv market (“active mart”) are slightly bigger and mostly located in outlying neighborhoods and villages. Edeka neukauf is bigger than Aktiv markets and are found in villages surrounding cities. Edeka Center (E-Center) is a hypermarket.
Kaufland is a German “hypermarket” chain. It carries a full selection of products in many different brands. Lidl
Lidl is a German discount supermarket chain that operates 7,000 stores worldwide (including the United States).
Netto Marken-Discount
Netto Marken-Discount operates mostly in southern and western Germany. The chain is unrelated to the Danish Netto chain, which also operates in Germany.
Penny Markt
Penny Markt is a discount supermarket chain based in Germany, which operates 5000 stores throughout Europe.
Rewe is a supermarket chain in Germany. Rewe stores tend to be on the smaller side. Their own store brand products are branded as ”ja!”.
Tegut-Markt is a German grocer that focuses on the environment and organic products but also carries a variety of nonorganic products. The store has its own brand but also carries other brands.
Jenny Dietrich, Brend Dietrich, and Sandra Erb contributed to this article.
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Tuesday 25 February 2020

>Woolworths Shop Home, Food , Beauty & Clothing. Have It Delivered To Your Door.

Woolworths launches virtual stores to promote mobile grocery shopping
>To promote an update to its popular smartphone app, Woolworths has opened virtual supermarkets in two of Australia’s busiest train stations.
>Sydney Town Hall station and Flinders Street station in Melbourne will be home to the virtual stores for the next week in what Woolworths describes as a trial for mobile shopping, as well as a very buzz-worthy promotion for the iPhone and Android app’s new abilities.
>Prior to last week, the app allowed shoppers to make a shopping list and plan a trip around their local Woolworths store, but the update adds the ordering and delivery functions previously only available through the supermarket’s website. Adding ordering to the app was a direct response to user feedback, says Has Fakira, Woolworths innovation program manager. Users can now build a shopping list, order and have their purchases delivered, next day at the earliest.
>While the ‘stores’ are not quite disruptive innovators of sales channel norms, they are a novel twist on stock standard billboard advertising, and Woolworths is already planning expansions. Fakira tells Marketing that the next stop is bus shelters in the country’s five major cities.
>Marketing strolled around the aisle of the Flinders Street store earlier this afternoon, noting the barcodes (not QR codes), a mix of brands (not just private labels) and a distinct lack of people trying it out (although it is only the first day). Also present were green-shirted Woolies staffers who we are assured were plucked fresh from nearby stores, not the corporate marketing department.
>And in a refreshing twist, the promotion promises less than the product actually delivers. The virtual stores are limited to 120 products in two locations across Australia, whereas the app has access to Woolworths’ full range with ordering possible from anywhere WiFi or cellular data is available.
>Fakira explains to Marketing that the virtual stores are more about drawing consumers’ attention to the fact they can do their grocery shopping from a smartphone than a serious new business innovation, as education will be a barrier to first use to many people.

Monday 24 February 2020

Smart Ideas to Save Money When You're Shopping

There's the stuff you need and then there's the stuff you want. And then there's the stuff you didn't even know you wanted, but you're out killing time at the mall and before you know it, you've forked over your hard-earned dough. Put your credit card back in its holster; we're here to help you save.

How to Save Money When Shopping

Use these tips to keep more cash in your pocket on your next shopping trip.

  1. Make a Shopping List. Before you run your errands, make a list of everything you plan on buying. The rule is that you're not allowed to buy anything unless it's already on your list. It'll help keep your impulse shopping to a minimum.
  2. Only Bring the Cash You Need. You can't spend money you don't have. Before you go out, put a small amount of cash in your wallet to cover all the purchasing you plan on doing. If the cash runs out, your shopping spree's done for the day.
  3. Comparison Shop. Don't be a sucker when you see a price tag. For instance, if you want a new PlayStation game, don't buy it right away. Call around to the video game shops and wholesale retailers in your area to see who has the cheapest price, and check online at sites like Amazon and Deep Discount. You can do comparison shopping on your phone with the Save Benjis app.
  4. When it Comes to Clothes, Just Buy the Basics. You'll get more mileage out of a plain black sweater (even if it costs more) than an '80's-style hot pink one. Before you buy a clothing item or shoes, ask yourself how often you'll actually wear it. Chances are, you're better off with a smaller number of basic pieces that you can layer and accessorize to make them unique.
  5. Try Not to Shop When You're Bored. The silliest purchases happen when you probably shouldn't have been shopping in the first place. If you and your friends are bored and looking for something to do, don't automatically run to the mall. Instead, find inspiration from this list of fun, free things to do with your friends.
  6. When in Doubt, Leave the Store. On the fence about whether or not to buy something? Put it down and leave the store. If you decide later that you really want it, you can go back and buy it tomorrow. Chances are, you'll be happy you saved your money.
  7. Pick Your Shopping Friends Wisely. Not all shopping buddies are created equal. Some of them are shopaholics themselves and love it when you spend money because it makes them feel better about their own purchases. Instead of hitting the mall with those friends, call up some friends who'll give you their honest opinion and won't pressure you into buying anything.
  8. Find Cheap Deals Online. You can usually find good shopping deals online if you look hard enough. Get deals on your favorite brands by checking their sites frequently, and sign up for Shop It To Me to get shopping deals emailed to you.
  9. Before You Buy It, Make It. You can save a lot of money by staying out of the stores and doing things yourself. Want some jean shorts? Turn a pair of old jeans into cutoffs. Want to decorate your room with some band posters? Draw, paint, or collage one. Mom's birthday's coming up? Make her something instead of buying it.
  10. Don't Be Seduced by Sales. Novice shoppers will sometimes buy something they don't need just because it's super cheap. Cheap or not, there's no use spending any amount of money on something you'll never use. Leave the store and come back only if you're sure you want it the next day.
  11. Shop Out of Season. Bathing suits are cheaper in the winter and coats are cheaper in the summer. Plan your big shopping trips a couple of months in advance to find some great deals. Just don't buy any super-trendy styles that will look dated next year.
  12. Don't Be Afraid to Haggle. If you think you're getting a bad deal on something because you've seen it cheaper elsewhere, or because the merchandise is flawed, talk to the salesperson. It might make you nervous but if it could save you some cash, what's the harm? Here are some tips on how to be a great haggler.
  13. See if Your Parents Will Split It. If there's a big-ticket item you've been saving up for - like a smartphone or a pair of boots - your parents might be willing to split the cost with you 50/50 if you make a good case for it. Here's some advice on how to talk to your parents.
  14. Go Thrifting. Buying used is better for the environment and cheaper than buying new. Before you head anywhere else, check out your local thrift stores, vintage shops, used bookstores and CD exchanges. You can also thrift from home on sites like eBay and Etsy.
  15. Save Your Receipts. Don't remove clothing tags or take your new goodies out of the box until you're ready to use them. Give yourself lots of chances to change your mind even after you've made your purchases.

Monday 10 February 2020

Tom Holland's Style: How To Dress Like The Spider-Man Star

Tom Holland's Style: How To Dress Like The Spider-Man Star

It should have taken a hero of enormous stature to stand up and outshine the Avengers, but Tom Holland did it with little more than superheroic likability. Okay, that and a Spider-Man suit. The British actor is still a relative newcomer in Hollywood but has the poise and profile of someone who’s been doing it for years.
Of course, it helps that he looks every inch the matinee movie star, with a wardrobe to match. Holland’s style brings together contemporary items with a classic leading man vibe. Think an updated take on the old school Hollywood star, pairing flawless tailoring with casual menswear staples.
If you ever wanted proof that a white T-shirt belongs beneath a formal jacket as much as it does a hoodie, then Holland is your friendly neighbourhood style icon. There’s also a manly edge to his off-duty style, with masculine classics and tonal looks that sit between the slickly-styled machismo of the 1950s and 21st-century streetwear.
If your style sense is tingling, get some wardrobe inspiration from his best looks below.

No Shirt Required

Proving that he’s the undisputed hero of replacing a formal shirt with a simple tee, this is Holland playing to his strengths. He’s got a seemingly endless rack of exquisite tailoring – all slim through the body and perfectly fitted – perhaps cropped at the ankle.
There’s also something of the 1950s rock ‘n’ roll era with this get-up – the cut and lapels call back to the days of hip-swivelling sex icons and his hair is swept back almost into a pompadour.
Tom Holland Celebrity Style

The Super Suit

While he’s a dab hand at updating the formal look with some youthful pizazz, Holland does the classics too. And classic is absolutely the word here, as Holland puts a 21st-century spin on the matinee-era star with this broad double-breasted jacket, calling back to 1930s Hollywood.

Suede & Stripes

Continuing his knack for squeezing every last drop of modern style from retro-inspired items, here’s a look that’s pure vintage.
There’s a ’70s feel to the striped shirt (with open collar for extra street cred), a ’60s Easy Rider-looking suede jacket with a contemporary cut, and a touch of the ’50s thrown in with Holland’s pushed back side-parting. It’s an outfit that spans at least three decades, but the overall feel is timeless.
Tom Holland Celebrity Style

Pushing Back The Years

Another of Holland’s more manly looks, this invokes the spirit of movie stars from eras past – including stylish alphas such as Cary Grant, Robert De Niro – mostly thanks to a tonal outfit that rolls back the decades.
There’s a throwback ’50s feel to the striped, open-collar shirt and the combination of dark green and burgundy (seen for the second time on this list) shows that he can take on boss-level colour combos and win.
Tom Holland Celebrity Style

Hollywood Fall Guy

This dapper combo shows off Tom Holland’s love of autumnal colours and it’s almost his sense of style in one look – slick tailoring with plaid trousers, a plain T-shirt to dial down the formality, and an air of classic Hollywood leading man brought into the modern day with the interesting colour palette.
Brogues without socks are a risk but work thanks to the cut of trousers and well-matched colours.
Tom Holland Celebrity Style

Who Needs Spandex?

Holland’s back in his favoured burgundy for this look, which is yet another play on the classic Hollywood superstar (like an all-in-one superhero suit but, well, incredibly tailored).
Holland dials down the formality with his go-to plain tee beneath the jacket, but the real spangle here is the flawless tailoring of the unconventional jacket. With its standout lapels and almost sports-like fit, it’s a good example of someone dressing for their height – the slim, tonal styling making him look taller.
Tom Holland Celebrity Style

Going Long

Bringing something new or unique to the red carpet is a risk: death or glory, in style terms. In this case, Holland nails it. Instead of going all out on colours, he plays with formality thanks to the unusually long jacket.
It’s still a classic example of Holland’s ability to wear good tailoring and works as an elongated upgrade on the standard suit jacket, fitting something like a tailored raincoat. Beneath the jacket, Holland shows off one of the first rules of easy men’s style: if in doubt, pare down with neutral colours and unfussy combos.
Tom Holland Celebrity Style

Saturday 8 February 2020

Top 5 Things to Do in Lake Louise

Lake Louise. A beautiful, yet, quiet resort perfect for hiking with the family. This little hamlet is just off in the Banff National Park in the Canadian Rockies, Alberta. It is known to have such a unique view of the glacier-like mountains that border the bright turquoise lake that is lit up by the sunlight seeping between the mountains.
There are hiking trails that surround the mountain leading to an amazing bird’s-eye view of the whole resort at the peak.
Lake Louise offers many great activities that will surely bring fun to the family and is definitely one of the places you should add to your bucket list!

1. Driving through the Bow Valley Parkway

This route is an alternative road the connects Banff and Lake Louise. Known to be a scenic route, it is also only 30-miles long. This route presents much wildlife- such as deer, black bears, sheep, goats, and the like- as the route doesn’t have any fences nor barriers guarding the road (so always be cautious!). Since this is a scenic route, there are bound to be many spots perfect for taking photos. The best spots to stop along the way are 1) Storm Mountain Lookout; 2) Johnston Canyon; 3) Castle Mountain Lookout; and 4) Muleshoe. Although all of these places are spread out within the 30-mile drive, you might take longer to arrive at Lake Louise due to the shock and awe from this route.

2. The Scenic Gondola Ride

Ride the gondola ride found at Lake Louise and take a gander at a high-vantage ride of the beautiful landscape. The gondola offers a 360-degrees view throughout the ride. What makes the gondola ride so special is that there is a higher chance to view grizzly bears, usually with their cubs roaming the lands, without having to disturb their day. Once you reach the end of the ride, you will be at the top of a mountain that offers a bird’s-eye view of pretty much everything from here, so get ready and take as many photos while you are there.

3. The Bow River Loop

To get to the Bow River Loop, it is an easy flat-road walk from Lake Louise. The river’s length is about 4.5 miles that starts from Bow Glacier to Wapta Icefield and flows through the Hudson Bay. Along the trail from Lake Louise to the Bow River Loop, there are many beautiful growing wildly all over the place. The Bow River Loop is famously known for being a bike trail. It may seem dangerous, but due to being flat ground, the road is safe for kids to ride their bikes along the river trail without the fear of steep elevations.

4. The Settling and Wonderous Lake Louise itself

Care to take a hike to Lake Louise and just rest and appreciate the view of the Canadian wonder? Well get ready and pack your stuff and ready yourself to have a family outing here. Lake Louise has many spots where you and the family can just relax and chill whilst enjoying the scenery. This turquoise lake is, of course, the main attraction of Banff National Park, so expect to find many tourists during the season. One of the most common things to do in Lake Louise is to take a ride on a canoe and experience a calming sense in the middle of the lake.

5. Comfortable Lake Houses

Feel tired and want to rest after all the time from hiking and sight-seeing? Well, get ready to relax at a warm and comfy lake house. The Post Hotel & Spa is a famous lake house not so far from the Lake Louise and beside the Bow River Loop. It may seem like a place that would be overcrowded due to the Lake House being close by, but the lake house brings a calm yet soothing feel within. The Fairmount Chateau is also another amazing lake house the is closer to the Lake Louise than the Post Hotel & Spa. The Fairmount is placed at an elevated area that has a beautiful view of Lake Louise and the Victoria Glacier. All of the lake houses found near Lake Louise are world-class and worth going around the world just to experience it all.